No Medical Advice Disclaimer Rose Hewartson PTY LTD (“Rose Hewartson P/L”, “we”, “us”, or “our”) does NOT provide any medical advice or diagnostics. The content provided through our website, social media accounts, products, and/or services is NOT professional advice. It is provided purely for informational purposes. We are not responsible for the accuracy, appropriateness, or use of any pharmacological, medical, healthcare, or similar information contained in or provided through any part of our content, products, and/or services. You acknowledge and agree that the information you receive from Rose Hewartson P/L is NOT a substitute for the professional judgement of a healthcare professional in providing a diagnosis, treatment, and/or advice. You are responsible for verifying the accuracy, completeness, and appropriateness of any information or content you receive, whether from us or elsewhere. You alone are responsible and liable for any psychological or phsyical harm to you as a result of your choice to use any information you receive from us. If you rely on any part of the information in our content, products, and/or services, you do so at your own risk, and we are in no way responsible for the outcome of any decision, action, or non-action you take, whether it is based on any information learned from us or otherwise. You agree that you will not use any part of our content, products, and/or services if you know or suspect that use will cause you harm of any kind.